Aldsted natural

Aldsted natural

Overview :


ALDSTED NATURAL® (ALDSTED-N®) is an all purpose liquid polymeric composite that is mixed with water to control and manage a variety of soil conditions trough an environmentally safe solution. When proper1y applied, ALDSTED-N will effectively prevent base failure, dust pollution, soil erosion on roads and loss of water from ponds and reservoirs.


ALDSTED-N provides road safety and economic longevity. Various corporate and academic field-testing revealed that ALDSTED-Ns strength capabilities are comparable to cement or surely asphalt stabilization. Other tests have shown that ALDSTED-N’s resistance to moisture significantly exceeds all environmental standards. ALDSTED-N is easily accommodated into routine construction procedures with no requirement for special equipment or handling precautions. The product is simply diluted with water and distributed into the soil to bind and transform the base into a solid mass of tightly cemented soil particles. At a fraction of the cost of cement or lime stabilization, ALDSTED-N is the most cost effective solution for road base stabilization.

Even after exposure to the extremes of heavily loaded haul trucks, military tracked vehicles, and severe weather conditions, there are no signs of damage or deterioration in road treated with ALDSTED-N. When properly applied in sufficient quantities, ALDSTED-N will increase soil strength and will significantly reduce permeability.

PAVEMENT OF ROADS & DUST CONTROL for farm, forest, mine and haul roads and heavy traffic!

Many unpaved roads throughout the world have been improved with ALDSTED-N. The product is simply added to water and distributed into a road base during normal construction or reconstruction procedures. A final overcoat is applied as a finishing touch, and with occasional maintenance applications, the road will remain permanently stabilized and free from dust pollution. In the end, there is a tremendous savings by eliminating the need for asphalt or other types of wearing surfaces, and by the reduction of maintenance repairs or reconstruction efforts.

DUST POLLUTION is a MULTIDIMENSIONAL PROBLEM: City managers and government agencies throughout the world are faced with never ending battles of trying to protect their citizens and industries from the effects or dust pollution. Strict environmental protection laws do not allow for this problem to be ignored, and this has forced many municipalities to rely on a costly and time-consuming program of daily watering operations. Fighting dust pollution with constant watering is a futile method of dealing with a problem that can be much more easily and less expensively solved with an initial application of ALDSTED-N and occasional reapplications as needed.

STABILIZATION with ALDSTED-N vs CEMENT; The resulting performance of the road can be equal to or greater than the cement. Most importantly, drastic savings can be achieved in the process. The plasticity characteristics of ALDSTED-N will help create a more flexible base than with the cement, thereby, reducing the threshold for fracturing and resulting in a significant reduction in the cost of maintenance. Various laboratory testing has revealed that the strength characteristics of ALDSTED-N are comparable to, if not better than cement in similar soils.

ALDSTED-N meets and exceeds the EPA standard many times over, thereby establishing itself as a superior product for landfill composite liners. When used in landfills and for soil erosion control ALDSTED-N is transformed into a solid membrane that will seal itself against liquid or moisture penetration. Substandard soils, that would otherwise be excavated and replaced, can be treated with ALDSTED-N at a tremendous savings in landfills, embankments and reservoirs.

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